
ggplot() data.frame() geom="bar" ggplot2を使用した棒グラフ その2

w <- to.monthly(SP5)[,4][2:836]/as.vector(to.monthly(SP5)[,4][1:835])
w <- w-1
# will use "c(last(seq(1,12,1),month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ),head(seq(1,12,1),12-month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ))" in the future
ggplot(data.frame(data=apply(matrix(last(w,floor(length(w)/12)*12),nrow=12),1,mean)[c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)],mon=c("01jan","02feb","03mar","04apr","05may","06jun","07jul","08aug","09sep","10oct","11nov","12dec")),aes(x=mon,y=data,fill =mon)) +
scale_x_discrete(label=c("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec")) + #x-axis label
stat_summary(fun.y=NULL,geom="bar") + # speciy "bar" graph
theme(legend.position = 'none')  # erase legend

# the final version

use "c(last(seq(1,12,1),month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ),head(seq(1,12,1),12-month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ))"
# to calculate the order of months like "c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)" for August.
len <- length(index(to.monthly(SP5)))
w <- to.monthly(SP5)[,4][2:len]/as.vector(to.monthly(SP5)[,4][1:(len-1)])
w <- w-1
# need factor() to set descrete index, other wise continus/gradation will be used as color scheme.
df <- data.frame(data=apply(matrix(last(w,floor(length(w)/12)*12),nrow=12),1,mean)[  c(last(seq(1,12,1),month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ),head(seq(1,12,1),12-month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) )) ],mon=factor(seq(1,12,1)))
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=mon,y=data,fill =mon)) 
p <- p + scale_x_discrete(label=c("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"))  #x-axis label
p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity") # need identity to draw value itself. 
p <- p + theme(legend.position = 'none')  # erase legend

ggplot() data.frame() geom="bar" ggplot2を使用した棒グラフ

w <- c();for(i in seq(1,12,1)){w <- append(w,apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)[seq(i,length(index(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd))),12)])}
# when > month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) = 8. numeric sequence for months is 
# c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)
ggplot(data.frame(data=apply(matrix(last(w,floor(length(w)/12)*12),nrow=12),1,mean)[c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)],mon=c("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec")),aes(x=mon,y=data)) +


  w <- c();for(i in seq(1,12,1)){w <- append(w,apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)[seq(i,length(index(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd))),12)])}
  # when > month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) = 8. numeric sequence for months is 
  # c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)

still unable to fix x axis label order

ggplot(data.frame(data=apply(matrix(last(w,floor(length(w)/12)*12),nrow=12),1,mean)[c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)],mon=c("01jan","02feb","03mar","04apr","05may","06jun","07jul","08aug","09sep","10oct","11nov","12dec")),aes(x=mon,y=data,fill =mon))+
# levels = c("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"))) +
    # order = c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4))) +

# ignore a next line complete nonsense.
# w <- c();for(i in seq(1,12,1)){w <-append(w,apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)[seq(i,length(index(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd))),12)])}
w <- apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)
  # when > month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) = 8. numeric sequence for months is   
  # c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)
  # or execute c(last(seq(1,12,1),month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ),head(seq(1,12,1),12-month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ))

ggplot(data.frame(data=apply(matrix(last(w,floor(length(w)/12)*12),nrow=12),1,mean)[c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)],mon=c("01jan","02feb","03mar","04apr","05may","06jun","07jul","08aug","09sep","10oct","11nov","12dec")),aes(x=mon,y=data,fill =mon))+
# levels = c("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"))) +
    # order = c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4))) +
theme(legend.position = 'none')  # erase legend

# the final version
w <- apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)
# when > month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) = 8. numeric sequence for months is   
# c(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4)
# or execute c(last(seq(1,12,1),month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ),head(seq(1,12,1),12-month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ))
df <- data.frame(data=apply(matrix(last(w,floor(length(w)/12)*12),nrow=12),1,mean)[     c(last(seq(1,12,1),month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ),head(seq(1,12,1),12-month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ))],mon=factor(seq(1,12,1)))
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=mon,y=data,fill =mon)) 
p <- p + scale_x_discrete(label=c("jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"))  #x-axis label
p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity") # need identity to draw value itself. 
p <- p + theme(legend.position = 'none')  # erase legend



[1] 8

c(last(seq(1,12,1),month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ),head(seq(1,12,1),12-month(index(last(apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)))) ))

で、「5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12  1  2  3  4」を生成できる。


行列 matrix() 変換 その2

please also check this post.





  •  配列のサイズが17519のとき、切りが良いように20番目から17519番目の要素だけを抜き出す。
  •  行列「1」を作成する。列数100、byrow=t。
    • 1行目は21,22,23,,,,,,120。
    • 2行目は121,122,123,,,,,,220。
    • 最終174行目は17321,17322,17333,,,,,17420。
  • 行単位でapply()関数を使用して、max()それをapply(matrix,1,max)を使用し各行の最高値を出す。これで、120日目、220日目、、17420日目時点での最高値が記録される。
  •  インデックスを一つ進め同様に処理する。つまり、配列「2」を作成する。
    • 1行目は22,23,24,,,,,121。
    • 2行目は122,123,124,,,,,221。
    • 最終174行目は17322,17323,17324,,,,17421。
  • 同じくapply(matrix,1,max)を使用し各行の最高値を出す。これで、121日目、221日目、、17421日目時点での最高値が記録される。
  • これを最後まで繰り返す。
  • 各行ごとの出力結果をすべてappend()すると、120,220,,17420,121,221,,17421,,,,,219,319,,,17519日目の結果が格納された配列「w」ができる。




これをさらに、matrix(matrix(w,ncol=174,byrow=T),ncol=1,byrow = T)で列数=1の行列に変換後、as.vector()すると。「120,121,219,220,221,,,319,,,,17420,17421,,,,,17519日目」の結果を日付順に並べた配列が完成する。

行列 matrix() 変換

matrix(1:9, nrow=3, ncol=3)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    4    7
[2,]    2    5    8
[3,]    3    6    9


matrix(matrix(1:9, nrow=3, ncol=3),ncol=1,byrow=T)
 [1,]    1
 [2,]    2
 [3,]    3
 [4,]    4
 [5,]    5
 [6,]    6
 [7,]    7
 [8,]    8
 [9,]    9


matrix(c(1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9), nrow=3, ncol=3,byrow=F) # byrow=F is default.
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    2    3
[2,]    4    5    6
[3,]    7    8    9

その場合、"byrow=T" を利用して要素の充填順序を変えてやらなくてはならない。

matrix(c(1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9), nrow=3, ncol=3,byrow=T)
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    4    7
[2,]    2    5    8
[3,]    3    6    9


matrix(matrix(c(1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9), nrow=3, ncol=3,byrow=T),ncol=1)
 [1,]    1
 [2,]    2
 [3,]    3
 [4,]    4
 [5,]    5
 [6,]    6
 [7,]    7
 [8,]    8
 [9,]    9

please refer to this post as well.



# [1] 17519

  1. $SPX daily close pirce up to the date length is 17519. 
  2. In order to render the array into the matrix whose colmn size =100.
  3. pick up the data from 21th element to 17420th. use matrix(data,ncol=100,byrow=T)
  4. use apply() to excute max() to each row respectively and put it to the w.
  5. pick up data from 22th to 1742th and do the same procedure.
  6. repeat 23th,24th,25,,,,,,until120th.
  7. the result is array w.
  8. run "matrix(w,ncol=174,byrow=T)" to create the matrix col=174 and row=100. with the parameter "byrow=T", the elemnet of w is filler by the order of row.
  9. run "as.vector(matrix(matrix(w,ncol=174,byrow=T),ncol=1,byrow = T))" to transform to the single dimention array. row and column are converted here.

 w <- c();system.time(for(i in seq(0,99,1)){w <- append(w,apply(matrix(as.vector(SP5[,4])[(21+i):(17420+i)],ncol=100,byrow=T),1,max))})
   # ユーザ   システム       経過
   #   3.223      0.345      3.586

#   [1]   20.12   22.20   23.28   24.66   24.60   25.55   26.66   25.06   26.09   29.19
#  [11]   33.54   37.52   43.76   46.41   48.87   49.64   47.04   49.13   45.44   44.64
#  [21]   51.62   56.67   60.71   60.39   58.40   58.07   64.86   68.68   72.64   71.06
#  [31]   59.78   66.52   70.80   75.67   81.16   85.24   87.63   90.27   92.63   94.06
#  [41]   87.61   88.29   94.75   97.59   98.91  104.99  108.37  106.16   98.33   90.23
#  [51]   86.89  101.21  104.77  104.05  110.66  112.55  120.24  112.68  111.44   99.74
#  [61]   93.10   86.01   95.61   93.53  103.51  107.83  107.46  102.17   98.92   99.60
#  [71]  106.99  104.66  104.47  111.27  118.44  130.40  140.52  137.11  133.85  124.00
#  [81]  124.88  148.93  170.99  172.65  169.28  168.87  182.19  192.43  201.52  244.74
#  [91]  253.83  276.45  309.65  336.77  271.37  275.81  289.14  326.95  359.80  359.69
# [101]  368.95  331.75  390.45  396.64  420.77  425.09  441.28  456.33  469.50  482.00
# [111]  471.06  476.07  528.61  586.77  661.45  678.51  757.03  841.88  983.12 1052.02
# [121] 1186.75 1192.33 1362.80 1418.78 1469.25 1527.46 1520.77 1380.20 1312.83 1172.51
# [131] 1170.29  962.70  931.66 1039.58 1157.76 1156.86 1191.37 1225.31 1245.04 1294.18
# [141] 1325.76 1406.09 1495.42 1553.08 1565.15 1426.63 1305.32  934.70 1044.14 1150.23
# [151] 1217.28 1225.85 1343.01 1363.61 1326.06 1419.04 1465.77 1587.73 1709.67 1848.38
# [161] 1956.98 2031.92 2117.39 2130.82 2109.79 2119.12 2190.15 2395.96 2480.91 2786.24
# [171] 2872.87 2930.75 2854.88 3025.86
 #  [1] 2854.88 2854.88 2854.88 2867.19 2867.24 2873.40 2879.39 2892.74 2895.77 2895.77
 # [11] 2895.77 2895.77 2907.41 2907.41 2907.41 2907.41 2907.41 2907.97 2933.68 2933.68
 # [21] 2933.68 2939.88 2943.03 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83
 # [31] 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83
 # [41] 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83
 # [51] 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2954.18
 # [61] 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2964.33 2973.01 2995.82 2995.82
 # [71] 2995.82 2995.82 2995.82 2999.91 3013.77 3014.30 3014.30 3014.30 3014.30 3014.30
 # [81] 3014.30 3014.30 3019.56 3019.56 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86
 # [91] 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86
 #   [1] 2854.88 2854.88 2854.88 2854.88 2867.19 2867.24 2873.40 2879.39 2892.74 2895.77
 #  [11] 2895.77 2895.77 2895.77 2907.41 2907.41 2907.41 2907.41 2907.41 2907.97 2933.68
 #  [21] 2933.68 2933.68 2939.88 2943.03 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83
 #  [31] 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83
 #  [41] 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83
 #  [51] 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83 2945.83
 #  [61] 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2954.18 2964.33 2973.01 2995.82
 #  [71] 2995.82 2995.82 2995.82 2995.82 2999.91 3013.77 3014.30 3014.30 3014.30 3014.30
 #  [81] 3014.30 3014.30 3014.30 3019.56 3019.56 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86
 #  [91] 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86 3025.86
 # [101] 3025.86
 #  [1] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [11] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [21] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [31] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [41] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [51] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [61] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [71] 2930.75 2930.75 2929.67 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51
 # [81] 2925.51 2901.61 2885.57 2884.43 2880.34 2813.89 2813.89 2813.89 2813.89 2813.89
 # [91] 2813.89 2813.89 2822.48 2832.94 2832.94 2832.94 2854.88 2854.88 2854.88 2854.88
# [1] 2854.88
 #  [1] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [11] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [21] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [31] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [41] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [51] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [61] 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75 2930.75
 # [71] 2930.75 2930.75 2929.67 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51 2925.51
 # [81] 2925.51 2901.61 2885.57 2884.43 2880.34 2813.89 2813.89 2813.89 2813.89 2813.89
 # [91] 2813.89 2813.89 2822.48 2832.94 2832.94 2832.94 2854.88 2854.88 2854.88 2854.88

> max(as.vector(SP5[,4])[(149*100+20):(149*100+119)])
[1] 1044.14
> as.vector(matrix(matrix(w,ncol=174,byrow=T),ncol=1,byrow = T))[(149*100)]
[1] 1044.14
> max(as.vector(SP5[,4])[(19*100+20):(19*100+119)])
[1] 45.44
> as.vector(matrix(matrix(w,ncol=174,byrow=T),ncol=1,byrow = T))[(19*100)]
[1] 45.44


EPS 2019AUG05

~$tac eps.txt | awk '{gsub("\\$","",$NF);print "eps_year_xts[\"2019::\"]["NR"] <- "$NF}'
eps_year_xts["2019::"][1] <- 134.39
eps_year_xts["2019::"][2] <- 135.40
eps_year_xts["2019::"][3] <- 137.01
eps_year_xts["2019::"][4] <- 147.41
eps_year_xts["2019::"][5] <- 150.65
eps_year_xts["2019::"][6] <- 156.72
eps_year_xts["2019::"][7] <- 161.90
eps_year_xts["2019::"][8] <- 167.23

update again at 2019AUG16.

$tac eps.txt | awk '{gsub("\\$","",$NF);print "eps_year_xts[\"2019::\"]["NR"] <- "$NF}'
eps_year_xts["2019::"][1] <- 134.39
eps_year_xts["2019::"][2] <- 135.89
eps_year_xts["2019::"][3] <- 137.11
eps_year_xts["2019::"][4] <- 147.45
eps_year_xts["2019::"][5] <- 150.86
eps_year_xts["2019::"][6] <- 156.20
eps_year_xts["2019::"][7] <- 161.78

eps_year_xts["2019::"][8] <- 167.39

> eps_year_xts["2019::"]
2019-01-01 134.39
2019-04-01 135.40
2019-07-01 137.01
2019-10-01 147.41
2020-01-01 150.65
2020-04-01 156.72
2020-07-01 161.90
2020-10-01 167.23
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][1] <- 134.39
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][2] <- 135.89
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][3] <- 137.11
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][4] <- 147.45
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][5] <- 150.86
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][6] <- 156.20
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][7] <- 161.78
> eps_year_xts["2019::"][8] <- 167.39
> eps_year_xts["2019::"]
2019-01-01 134.39
2019-04-01 135.89
2019-07-01 137.11
2019-10-01 147.45
2020-01-01 150.86
2020-04-01 156.20
2020-07-01 161.78

2020-10-01 167.39


cbind, append and merge

> last(GSPC.predict)
        SP5.Open SP5.High SP5.Low SP5.Close  SP5.Volume  spline      eps
 6 2019  2751.53  2964.15 2728.81   2941.76 70881390000 3073.12 2873.672
> as.xts(cbind(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),as.Date("2019-07-01"))
           [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
2019-07-01    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
> append(last(GSPC.predict,12),as.xts(cbind(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),as.Date("2019-07-01")))
        SP5.Open SP5.High SP5.Low SP5.Close  SP5.Volume   spline      eps
 7 2018  2704.95  2848.03 2698.95   2816.29 64542170000 2755.988 2655.353
 8 2018  2821.17  2916.50 2796.34   2901.52 69238220000 2782.479 2683.418
 9 2018  2896.96  2940.91 2864.12   2913.98 62492080000 2803.764 2707.010
10 2018  2926.29  2939.86 2603.54   2711.74 91327930000 2819.118 2723.880
11 2018  2717.58  2815.15 2631.09   2760.17 80080110000 2831.201 2737.248
12 2018  2790.50  2800.18 2346.58   2506.85 83519570000 2843.346 2751.415
 1 2019  2476.96  2708.95 2443.96   2704.10 80391630000 2858.716 2769.494
 2 2019  2702.32  2813.49 2681.83   2784.49 70183430000 2879.906 2790.537
 3 2019  2798.22  2860.31 2722.27   2834.40 78596280000 2909.390 2812.729
 4 2019  2848.63  2949.52 2848.63   2945.83 69604840000 2949.670 2834.471
 5 2019  2952.33  2954.13 2750.52   2752.06 76860120000 3003.365 2854.984
 6 2019  2751.53  2964.15 2728.81   2941.76 70881390000 3073.120 2873.672
 7 2019     1.00     2.00    3.00      4.00           5    6.000    7.000

> last(append(tmp.predict[,-236],cbind(last(SP5)[,-5],1,2)))
        SP5.Open SP5.High SP5.Low SP5.Close SP5.Volume spline eps
 8 2019   2943.9   2945.5 2914.11   2932.05 2210278484      1   2


> last(append(GSPC.predict[,-5],cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5),2)[,-5],2,1)),5)
        SP5.Open SP5.High SP5.Low SP5.Close   spline      eps
 4 2019  2848.63  2949.52 2848.63   2945.83 2950.103 2833.925
 5 2019  2952.33  2954.13 2750.52   2752.06 3002.397 2852.558
 6 2019  2751.53  2964.15 2728.81   2941.76 3070.108 2868.224
 7 2019  2971.41  3027.98 2952.22   2980.38    2.000    1.000
 8 2019  2980.32  3013.59 2914.11   2932.05    2.000    1.000



tmp.predict <- append(GSPC.predict,cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5),2),2,1))

tmp.predict <- append(GSPC.predict[,-5],cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5),2)[,-5],2,1))


tmp.predict <- append(tmp.predict,cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5)),1,2))


tmp.predict <- append(GSPC.predict,cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5)),1,2))

tmp.predict <- append(GSPC.predict,cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5),2),c(1,3),c(2,4)))

tmp.predict <- append(GSPC.predict,cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5),3),c(1,3,5),c(2,4,6)))



tmp.predict <-append(GSPC.predict,cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5),2),


tmp.predict <-append(GSPC.predict,cbind(last(to.monthly(SP5),2),

c(as.vector(last(tmp.predict[,6],2)[1]), as.vector(last(tmp.predict[,6],2)[2]) ),

c(as.vector(last(tmp.predict[,7],2)[1]), as.vector(last(tmp.predict[,7],2)[2]) )))


tmp.predict <-
