October 2018 was quite wild. Let us see the historical data on the other occasion. There were only 9 cases in 11 years, when the lowest price of the month is more than 11% lower than the open.
> to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1][to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1] < 0.89]
1 2008 0.8651744
9 2008 0.8591352
10 2008 0.7213723
11 2008 0.7649871
5 2010 0.8756500
8 2011 0.8521960
8 2015 0.8871556
1 2016 0.8891620
10 2018 0.8897068
Use "as.mondate" to calculate one month after the examples.
> as.mondate(index(to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1][to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1] < 0.89])[-8])+1
mondate: timeunits="months"
[1] 2008-02-01 2008-10-02 2008-11-01 2008-12-02 2010-06-01 2011-09-01 2015-09-01 2018-11-01
use "format()" to normalize. "%Y-%m" should be the option.
> format(as.mondate(index(to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1][to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1] < 0.89])[-9])+1,"%y-%m")
[1] "08-02" "08-10" "08-11" "08-12" "10-06" "11-09" "15-09" "16-02"
> format(as.mondate(index(to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1][to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1] < 0.89])[-9])+1,"%Y-%m")
[1] "2008-02" "2008-10" "2008-11" "2008-12" "2010-06" "2011-09" "2015-09" "2016-02"
But index() returns yearmon calss and the direct coversion from yearmon to mondate triggers the warning message. If you don't like it, insert "as.Date()" between them.
Attempting to convert class 'yearmon' to 'mondate' via 'as.Date' then 'as.numeric'. Check results!
> format(as.mondate(as.Date(index(to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1][to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1] < 0.89]) ))+1,"%Y-%m")[-9]
[1] "2008-02" "2008-10" "2008-11" "2008-12" "2010-06" "2011-09" "2015-09" "2016-02"
The result was disappointing. Hope, this month is exceptional.
> monthlyReturn(GSPC)[format(as.mondate(index(to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1][to.monthly(GSPC)[,3]/to.monthly(GSPC)[,1] < 0.89])[-9])+1,"%Y-%m")]
2008-02-29 -0.034761193
2008-10-31 -0.169424524
2008-11-28 -0.074849043
2008-12-31 0.007821577
2010-06-30 -0.053882442
2011-09-30 -0.071761988
2015-09-30 -0.026442832
2016-02-29 -0.004128360
you can do the similar calculation for monthlyReturn().
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