when "func()" is "cli_delta_vs_period_return_rate.r"
> hist(as.vector(func("minus","1970-01-01")[,1])-1,col=rgb(0.5,1,0),breaks=20,xlim=c(-0.6,0.5),ylim=c(0,7))
0111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
[1] 11.34615
[1] 0.9858096
> par(new=T)
> hist(as.vector(func("plus","1970-01-01")[,1])-1,col=rgb(0.5,0,1,alpha=0.4),breaks=10,xlim=c(-0.6,0.5),ylim=c(0,7))
source code is as below.
# 1)pick up months whose clie_xts$oecd is up from the previous
# 2)create the stream of flags, in which up is 1 and down is 0
# 3)compare SPX close price between the end month of cli_xts delta is plus(or minus) and its start.
# 4)return xts objects which contains. start month of period, updown ration, length of months and monthly average return during period.
func <- function(pm="plus",s="1970-01-01",l=1){
w <- c()
if(nchar(s) == 10){ # use nchar() to measure strings length, not length()
last_date <- last(index(cli_xts$oecd))
start_date <- s
period <- paste(start_date,last_date,sep='::')
# last_date <- l
period <- s
# last_date <- last(index(cli_xts$oecd))
# start_date <- s
# period <- paste(start_date,last_date,sep='::')
start_index <- 1
iteration <- 0
performance_val <- c()
period_length <- c()
lag_month <- l
result <- c()
rate <- c()
plus_or_minus <- pm
open_p <- c()
close_p <- c()
# put flag on the months accoring to the parameter. for "minus" cli delta is less than ZERO, for plus the opposite.
for(i in seq(1,length(diff(cli_xts$oecd,lag=lag_month)[period]),1,)){
if(plus_or_minus == "minus"){
if(as.vector(diff(cli_xts$oecd,lag=lag_month)[period])[i] < 0){ # up is "> 0"
w <- append(w,1)
w <- append(w,0)
}else if(plus_or_minus == "plus"){
if(as.vector(diff(cli_xts$oecd,lag=lag_month)[period])[i] > 0){ # up is "> 0"
w <- append(w,1)
w <- append(w,0)
stop("please use plus or minus as 1st parameter")
month_flag <- 0 # status flag
# check stream and when flag is changes 0 to 1. it is the start of period.
for(i in seq(1,length(diff(cli_xts$oecd,lag=lag_month)[period]),1,)){
if(w[i] == 1){
if(month_flag == 0){ # when w is 1 and month_flag is 0, the period starts
month_flag <- 1
start_price <- as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,1][i]) #dc 0531
# print(index(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i]))
# cat("from ")
# cat(as.character(as.Date(index(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i]))))
start_index <- i
# dc 0602 add output at the end of loop
if(i == length(diff(cli_xts$oecd,lag=lag_month)[period])){
# print("end of the loop")
result <- append(result,as.xts(as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i]) / start_price,index(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i])))
period_length <- append(period_length,i-start_index)
performance_val <- append(performance_val,as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i-1]) / start_price)
open_p <- append(open_p,start_price)
close_p <- append(close_p,as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i-1]))
rate <- append(rate,last(performance_val)**(1/last(period_length))-1)
# check stream and when flag is changes 1 to 0. it is the start of period.
}else if(w[i] ==0){
if(month_flag == 1){ # when w is 0 and month_flag is 1, the period ends
# cat(" ")
# cat(i - start_index)
# cat(" month(s)")
# cat("\n")
iteration <- iteration +1
cat(" ")
result <- append(result,as.xts(as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i-1]) / start_price,index(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i-1])))
# print(as.xts(as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i]) / start_price,index(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i])))
# print(i - start_index)
month_flag <- 0 # when period ends, intialize the flag.
period_length <- append(period_length,i-start_index)
performance_val <- append(performance_val,as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i-1]) / start_price)
open_p <- append(open_p,start_price)
close_p <- append(close_p,as.vector(to.monthly(SP5[period])[,4][i-1]))
rate <- append(rate,last(performance_val)**(1/last(period_length))-1)
# t_minus <- performance_val
# t_plus <- performance_val
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