Get JGB historical data from MOF - Part 2.
- Updated the previous version to use foreach, join,push and regular expression. this is more like real Perl.
- using "foreeach" instead of "for", no longer denepds on the fixed length list.
- with "push" and "join", codes are more readable.
- prepare the condition clause after heisei era.
$outfile="> ./jgb_seireki.csv";
open(IN,$file) or die "$!";
open(OUT,$outfile) or die "$!";
print("# start\n");
print OUT "Date,oneY,twoY,threeY,fourY,fiveY,sixY,sevenY,eightY,nineY\n";
$line_num = 0;
$line_num++; # increment counter before "next" otherwise......
next if($line_num <3); # skip iteration if counter is less than 3 to skip 1st and 2nd lines.
$gengou = substr($_,0,1); # pick up the first character of the line and store into $gengou.
@buff = split(/,/, $_); # split the line by comma.
@data = split(/\./, $buff[0]); # split the first field by period.
$year = substr($data[0],1,length($data[0])); # pick up the numerical part of wareki data.
if($gengou eq 'S'){ # if the first character = S, the data belongs to showa.
$year=$year+1925; # add 1925 to adjust as showa period started in 1926.
if($gengou eq 'H'){ # for the case of heisei until 2019.
$year=$year+1988; # adjust for heisei period.
# if($gengou eq 'Z'){ # for the case of after heisei. change 'Z' to the appropriate
# $year=$year+2018; # adjust
# }
$outbuff = ""; # initialize buffer to construct output
my @interest = (); # the list to store zero padded interest rate
foreach $i(@buff){ # pick up element
if($i !~ /^[A-Z]/ and $i =~ /[0-9]/){ # if the element is all numeric.
push(@interest,sprintf("%.3f", $i)); # zero padd and push into the array
next; # otherwise junmp to the next element
$outbuff = join(",",@interest,); # join array concat w/ comma.
print OUT "$year-$data[1]-$data[2],$outbuff\n";
system("rm jgbcm_all.csv")
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