When data day_xts has multiple columns and you like to delete or pick up one of them, writing a simple condition clause is enough to do that job.
However, in the case to deal with more than one column, it doesn't work and you needother solution.
>head ( day_xts)
new_call new_mailabandon inc
2013-01-01 35 28 12.9 63
2013-01-02 55 21 31.1 76
2013-01-03 86 20 76.7 106
>head ( day_xts[ , colnames ( day_xts) ! = "inc "])
new_call new_mailabandon
2013-01-01 35 28 12.9
2013-01-02 55 21 31.1
2013-01-03 86 20 76.7
Using "grep " with regular expression picks up columns either "inc " or "abandon".
>head ( day_xts[ , grep ( 'inc |abandon', colnames ( day_xts))])
abandon inc
2013-01-01 12.9 63
2013-01-02 31.1 76
2013-01-03 76.7 106
"invert " argument does reverse the result. The columns which are NOT designated in "grep " will be chosen.
> head(day_xts[,grep('inc|abandon',colnames(day_xts),invert=T)])
new_call new_mail
2013-01-01 35 28
2013-01-02 55 21
2013-01-03 86 20
However, in the case to deal with more than one column, it doesn't work and you need
new_call new_mail
2013-01-01 35 28 12.9 63
2013-01-02 55 21 31.1 76
2013-01-03 86 20 76.7 106
new_call new_mail
2013-01-01 35 28 12.9
2013-01-02 55 21 31.1
2013-01-03 86 20 76.7
Using "
2013-01-01 12.9 63
2013-01-02 31.1 76
2013-01-03 76.7 106
> head(day_xts[,grep('inc|abandon',colnames(day_xts),invert=T)])
new_call new_mail
2013-01-01 35 28
2013-01-02 55 21
2013-01-03 86 20
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