
序数の算出 how to find sequence number from data frame

wpm <- rbind(merge(wp,rep(1,length(index(wp))),suffixes =c('','p_or_m')),merge(wm,rep(-1,length(index(wm)))))
           result period_length          rate  open_p close_p p_or_m
 9 1970 0.9157072             9 -0.0097365802   92.06   84.30     -1
 1 1973 1.3763938            28  0.0114748680   84.30  116.03      1
 1 1975 0.6634491            24 -0.0169506551  116.03   76.98     -1
 5 1976 1.3013769            16  0.0166002074   76.98  100.18      1
 7 1977 0.9867239            14 -0.0009541901  100.18   98.85     -1
 4 2016 1.0031085            16  0.0001940004 2058.90 2065.30     -1
12 2017 1.2933674            20  0.0129455360 2067.17 2673.61      1
 8 2019 1.0904450            19  0.0045675511 2683.73 2926.46     -1

# return 1.0 以上のマイナスフェーズを探す。
# return 1.0 以上のマイナスフェーズを探して、その日付を取得する。

 index(wpm[,1])[wpm[,6] == -1 & wpm[,1] > 1]

 [1] " 6 1980" "11 1984" " 7 1986" "10 1989" " 1 1991" "12 1991" "11 1992" " 6 1995" " 1 1996" "10 1998" " 5 2005" " 6 2006"
[13] " 7 2010" " 9 2012" " 8 2014" " 4 2016" " 8 2019"

# return 1.0 以上のマイナスフェーズを探して、その日付ではなく
# その序数を取得する。51が最終エントリを指す序数であることに注意。

 index(as.vector(wpm[,1]))[wpm[,6] == -1 & wpm[,1] > 1]

 [1]  7 11 13 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 35 37 41 45 47 49 51

# 取得した序数に+1し、その次のエントリの序数を得る。

  index(as.vector(wpm[,1]))[wpm[,6] == -1 & wpm[,1] > 1]+1

 [1]  8 12 14 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 36 38 42 46 48 50 52

# 元のデータフレームにはないことに注意。

  length(index(as.vector(wpm[,1]))[wpm[,6] == -1 & wpm[,1] > 1]+1)
[1] 17


wpm[(index(as.vector(wpm[,1]))[wpm[,6] == -1 & wpm[,1] > 1]+1)[-17],]

           result period_length         rate  open_p close_p p_or_m
12 1980 1.1883753             6  0.029182211  114.24  135.76      1
 2 1985 1.1075926             3  0.034649717  163.58  181.18      1
 8 1987 1.3967474            13  0.026036742  236.12  329.80      1
 2 1990 0.9751147             4 -0.006280247  340.36  331.89      1
 8 1991 1.1498066             7  0.020142134  343.91  395.43      1
 4 1992 0.9950124             4 -0.001249244  417.03  414.95      1
 9 1994 1.0727019            22  0.003195123  431.35  462.71      1
10 1995 1.0674621             4  0.016454915  544.75  581.50      1
 9 1997 1.4893871            20  0.020117927  636.02  947.28      1
 3 2000 1.3639946            17  0.018427587 1098.67 1498.58      1
 5 2006 1.0659588            12  0.005337085 1191.50 1270.09      1
 6 2007 1.1836842            12  0.014151848 1270.06 1503.35      1
 2 2011 1.1983603             7  0.026187620 1107.53 1327.22      1
 3 2014 1.2994239            18  0.014657552 1440.90 1872.34      1
12 2014 1.0273593             4  0.006770750 2004.07 2058.90      1
12 2017 1.2933674            20  0.012945536 2067.17 2673.61      1

Download composite leading indicator full data and load them into the R environment CLI

# go to OECD, and download 'Full Indicator data(.csv)".
# change the filename to CLI3.csv upon download.
# go to the directory where the downloaded csv exists.
# run the script in git repo. for example as the below.


# there will be

$ls -l *.csv
-rw-r--r--@ 1 honomoto  staff  1283086 11 14 09:50 CLI3.csv
-rw-r--r--  1 honomoto  staff     7105 11 14 09:50 chn.csv
-rw-r--r--  1 honomoto  staff    12848 11 14 09:50 ea19.csv
-rw-r--r--  1 honomoto  staff    13923 11 14 09:50 oecd.csv
-rw-r--r--  1 honomoto  staff    15465 11 14 09:50 usa.csv

# run cli_download.

cli_xts <- merge(as.xts(read.zoo(read.csv("~/Downloads/oecd.csv"))),
suffixes = c("oecd","usa","china","ea19"))

# draw graphs




Download Composite Leading Indicator from OECD site. Early Bird Version

# go to OECD site and download CSV from Export menu.
# assume download file name is  "MEI_CLI.csv".
# pick up amplitute justfied OECD total data from CSV

$sed -n '/OECD\ -\ Total/p' MEI_CLI_13112019035737453.csv |grep LOLITOAA | grep Ampli | awk -F, 'BEGIN{ORS = ""}{print $(NF-2)","}'

the improved version is below to integrate all query string into one criteria.

sed -n '/LOLITOAA.*Ampli.*OECD\ -\ Total/p' MEI_CLI.csv | awk -F, 'BEGIN{ORS = "";print "c("}{print $(NF-2)","}END{print $(NF-2)")\n"}'

OR do as below.

awk -F, 'BEGIN{ORS = "";print "w <- c("}/LOLITOAA.*Ampli.*OECD\ -\ Total/{print $(NF-2)","}END{print $(NF-2)")\n length(w)\n"}' MEI_CLI.csv 

output sample is like below. now output is in the from of R statement. Construct vector in c() and substitute to w().


w <- c(100.7565,100.7652,100.7551,100.7274,100.6736,100.5974,100.512,100.4191,100.3163,100.2006,100.0703,99.93036,99.79047,99.6553,99.53469,99.43623,99.36298,99.30513,99.25108,99.20237,99.15969,99.12648,99.10692)

[1] 23

# The last month will be found in this way.

sed -n '/LOLITOAA.*Ampli.*OECD\ -\ Total/p' MEI_CLI.csv  | awk -F, 'END{print $7}'

# as the last entry is "2019-09-01" do as below

w <- as.xts(w,last(seq(as.Date("2010-01-01"),as.Date("2019-09-01"),by='months'),length(w))



# 0) Dropbox/R-script/monthreturn_delta5month_delta1monthcolor.r 参照。
# 1)Y軸はCLI1ヶ月変化値、X軸はCLI5ヶ月変化値、同じく月間騰落率を色と形で表す。
# 2)原点からの角度をX、月間騰落率をYに取ったグラフ。
# 3)同じく、2)原点からの角度をX、COVをYに取ったグラフ。

w <- (to.monthly(SP5)[,4]/to.monthly(SP5)[,1])["1970::2018"]
c <- (apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd) / apply.monthly(SP5[,4],mean) )["1970::2018"]
w <- w-1
# w <- (apply.monthly(SP5[,4],sd)/apply.monthly(SP5[,4],mean))["1970::2018"]
d <- na.omit(diff(cli_xts$oecd,5))["1970::2018"]
func <- function(x){
  if(x > 0.1){return("a")}
  if(x > 0.025){return("b")}
  if(x > 0){return("c")}
  if(x > -0.025){return("d")}
  if(x > -0.05){return("e")}
  if(x < -0.05){return("f")}
# df <- data.frame(monthlyreturn=as.vector(w),delta=as.vector(d),sign=as.vector(apply(diff(cli_xts$oecd)["1970::2018"],1,func)))

df <- data.frame(monthlyreturn=as.vector(apply(w,1,func)),
  # as.vector(w),delta=as.vector(d),sign=as.vector(apply(diff(cli_xts$oecd)["1970::2018"],1,func)))
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=delta,y=sign))
p <- p + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black",
                                               colour = "lightblue"),
               legend.key = element_rect(fill='black',colour='white'))
               # legend.box.background=element_rect(fill='black',colour='lightblue'))

p <- p + geom_point(alpha=1,aes(color=monthlyreturn,shape=monthlyreturn))
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept =as.vector(last(diff(cli_xts$oecd,5))),size=0.5,linetype=2,colour="white",alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept =as.vector(last(diff(cli_xts$oecd))),size=0.5,linetype=2,colour="white",alpha=0.5)
p <- p + theme(axis.title.x=element_blank(),axis.title.y=element_blank())
# p <- p + geom_smooth(method = "auto")
# p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values=c(0,1,2,10,11,12))
# p <- p + scale_color_brewer(label=c("more than 0.1","more than 0.025","more than ZERO","more then -0.025","more than -0.1","less than -0.1"))  #x-axis label
p <- p + scale_color_brewer(palette="Spectral", label=c("more than 0.1","more than 0.025","more than ZERO","more then -0.025","more than -0.05","less than -0.05"))  #x-axis label
p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values=c(0,1,2,10,11,12),label=c("more than 0.1","more than 0.025","more than ZERO","more then -0.025","more than -0.05","less than -0.05"))
p <- p + stat_smooth(aes(x=delta,y=sign),method="loess",color='white',size=0.3,se=FALSE)
# p <- p + guides(shape = FALSE)

wdf <- data.frame(dist=sqrt(df$delta**2+df$sign**2),
colnames(wdf)[3] <- "return"
# wdf <- cbind(wdf,seq(1,length(wdf[,1]),1))
colnames(wdf) [4] <- "mon"
# wdf <- cbind(wdf,c)
# wdf
colnames(wdf)[5] <- "cov"

df <- data.frame(r<-wdf[,3],a<-wdf[,2],mon<-wdf[,4],cov <- wdf[,5])
colnames(df)[1] <- 'r'
colnames(df)[2] <- 'a'
colnames(df)[3] <- 'mon'
colnames(df)[4] <- 'c'

# df <- last(df,284)
p <- ggplot(df,aes(x=a,y=r))
p <- p + geom_point(alpha=1,aes(color=mon))
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept =as.vector(atan2(last(diff(cli_xts$oecd,5),1),last(diff(cli_xts$oecd),1))),size=0.5,linetype=2,colour="red",alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept =as.vector(seq(-0.9,0.9,0.1))*pi,size=0.5,linetype=2,colour="white",alpha=0.5)
# p <- p + scale_color_brewer(palette="Spectral")
p <- p + stat_smooth(aes(x=a,y=r),method="loess",color='white',size=0.3,se=FALSE)
p <- p + scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "green")
p <- p + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black",
                                              colour = "lightblue"))
             # panel.grid = element_blank())

p <- ggplot(df,aes(x=a,y=c))
p <- p + geom_point(alpha=1,aes(color=mon))
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept =as.vector(atan2(last(diff(cli_xts$oecd,5),1),last(diff(cli_xts$oecd),1))),size=0.5,linetype=2,colour="red",alpha=0.5)
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept =as.vector(seq(-0.9,0.9,0.1))*pi,size=0.5,linetype=2,colour="white",alpha=0.5)
# p <- p + scale_color_brewer(palette="Spectral")
p <- p + stat_smooth(aes(x=a,y=c),method="loess",color='white',size=0.3,se=FALSE)
p <- p + scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "green")
p <- p + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black",
                                              colour = "lightblue"))
             # panel.grid = element_blank())


EPS 2019NOV11


> eps_year_xts["2019::"]
2019-01-01 134.39
2019-04-01 135.27
2019-07-01 135.99
2019-10-01 145.71
2020-01-01 148.71
2020-04-01 154.31
2020-07-01 159.83
2020-10-01 165.38

# Edit delete 2 lines in the middle

12/31/2020 $46.68 $42.96 17.40 18.68 $177.27 $165.15
9/30/2020 $45.92 $42.75 18.01 19.31 $171.35 $159.78
6/30/2020 $43.85 $40.74 18.62 20.29 $165.72 $152.08
3/31/2020 $40.82 $38.70 19.04 21.09 $162.01 $146.27
12/31/2019 $40.76 $37.59 19.38 21.64 $159.18 $142.58
9/30/2019 (89.2%) 2976.74 $40.29 $35.04 20.11 23.03 $153.45 $133.95
19.40 22.22 (P/E on Sep,'19 price)
6/30/2019 2941.76 $40.14 $34.93 19.04 21.75 $154.54 $135.27
3/31/2019  2834.40 $37.99 $35.02 18.52 21.09 $153.05 $134.39

# result is like this.

honomoto@~$cat eps.txt
12/31/2020 $46.68 $42.96 17.40 18.68 $177.27$165.15
9/30/2020 $45.92 $42.75 18.01 19.31 $171.35$159.78
6/30/2020 $43.85 $40.74 18.62 20.29 $165.72$152.08
3/31/2020 $40.82 $38.70 19.04 21.09 $162.01$146.27
12/31/2019 $40.76 $37.59 19.38 21.64 $159.18$142.58
9/30/2019 (89.2%) 2976.74 $40.29 $35.04 20.11 23.03 $153.45 $133.95
6/30/2019 2941.76 $40.14 $34.93 19.04 21.75 $154.54$135.27
3/31/2019 2834.40 $37.99 $35.02 18.52 21.09 $153.05$134.39

honomoto@~$tac eps.txt | awk '{gsub("\\$","",$NF);print "eps_year_xts[\"2019::\"]["NR"] <- "$NF}

eps_year_xts["2019::"][1] <- 134.39
eps_year_xts["2019::"][2] <- 135.27
eps_year_xts["2019::"][3] <- 133.95
eps_year_xts["2019::"][4] <- 142.58
eps_year_xts["2019::"][5] <- 146.27
eps_year_xts["2019::"][6] <- 152.08
eps_year_xts["2019::"][7] <- 159.78
eps_year_xts["2019::"][8] <- 165.15


確率密度の計算 dnorm() qnorm()

オブジェクト wdf はこちらから。


> wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1]

[17]  0.0711926070 -0.0854386059  0.0094247436  0.0030609850  0.0432560109  0.0165413246  0.0213577174  0.0673432082
[25]  0.0222028328  0.0003197991 -0.0197827495  0.0095648204 -0.0217844120  0.0101077662  0.0070690542  0.0104836274
[33]  0.0317760404 -0.0003202381  0.0400974724  0.0069337016  0.0079165671  0.0134314222  0.0591259963  0.0563752866
[41]  0.0410094415  0.0180991114  0.0751759043  0.0075738342  0.0810441069  0.0508987097  0.0113222145 -0.0001427142
[49]  0.0359682872 -0.0112221049  0.0936167706  0.0998248066  0.0531659206  0.0085731462  0.0425385266 -0.0199458599
[57]  0.0028183707  0.0069545273 -0.0158576835  0.0236426721  0.0244524103  0.0144061834  0.0023497169  0.0353730253


> mean(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1])
[1] 0.02359295
> sd(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1])
[1] 0.03504609


> shapiro.test(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1])

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  wdf[, 3][wdf[, 2] > -0.5 * pi & wdf[, 2] < 1]
W = 0.96799, p-value = 0.095


 下方累積確率 = pnorm(標本値、平均、分散)

> pnorm(0,mean(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1]), sd(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1]))
[1] 0.2504107


> pnorm(0.02359295,mean(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1]), sd(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1]))
[1] 0.5


想定標本値= qnorm(下方累積確率、平均、分散)

> qnorm(0.5,mean(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1]), sd(wdf[,3][wdf[,2] > -0.5*pi & wdf[,2] < 1]))
[1] 0.02359295


rolling COV , grit.ticks.on='months', sapply

# calculate OCV of each last 30 business days with given parameters.
func <- function(date,xts=SP5[,4],days=30){
  hensa <- sd(last(xts[paste("::",date,sep="")],days))
  heikin <- mean(last(xts[paste("::",date,sep="")],days))
# construct XTS object
# use sapply() instead of for loop to calculate rolling COV
# plot!!
plot(as.xts(sapply(last(index(SP5),730),func),last(index(SP5),730)),main="moving COV",grid.ticks.on="months")
# 1)automatically the number of business days from the specific date (2012/12/1).
# 2)calculate rolling COV from the date above.
# 3)plot graph with monthly grid.
plot(as.xts(sapply(last(index(SP5),length(index(SP5["2012-01-01::"]))),func),last(index(SP5),length(index(SP5["2012-01-01::"])))),main="moving COV",grid.ticks.on="months")

# 評価比較用 for を使用した場合
system.time(for( i in as.character(last(index(SP5),365))){cat(i); print(func(i))})
