For the case interest rate is 0.875%, months to pay is 26 full years, and the remaining principle is 50,814,556JPY.
See aDFyear for each year and aDFmonth for each month.
> mortgage(P=50814556, I=0.875, L=(26*12), amort=T, plotData=T)
The payments for this loan are:
Monthly payment: ¥182,154.3 (stored in monthPay)
Total cost: ¥56,832,131
The amortization data for each of the 312 months are stored in "aDFmonth".
The amortization data for each of the 312 years are stored in "aDFyear".
> aDFyear
Amortization Annual_Payment Annual_Principal Annual_Interest Year
1 50814556 2185851 1748224 437627.33 1
2 49066332 2185851 1763582 422268.88 2
3 47302750 2185851 1779076 406775.49 3
4 45523674 2185851 1794705 391146.00 4
26 2175526 2185851 2175526 10324.87 26
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