# prepare data according to system timezone. "Asia/Tokyo" in most cases.
bp.day <- merge(as.xts(as.vector(bp.xts[,1]),as.Date(index(bp.xts),tz=tzone(bp.xts))),as.vector(bp.xts[,2]))
colnames(bp.day)[1] <- "high"
colnames(bp.day)[2] <- "low"
# prepare timezone 2 hours behind "Asia/Tokyo".
bp.bangkok <- merge(as.xts(as.vector(bp.xts[,1]),as.Date(index(bp.xts),tz="Asia/Bangkok")),as.vector(bp.xts[,2]))
colnames(bp.bangkok)[1] <- "high"
colnames(bp.bangkok)[2] <- "low"
- Set timezone to other than Tokyo, as blood pressure may be measured after the mid night.
- Setting time zone as "Bangkok" allows samples taken from 00:00 to 02:00 to be taken into the day before.
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