New economic model to simulate S&P 500.
>summary ( lm ( to. quarterly( SP5[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-03-01"]) [, 4] ~ output +
+ to. quarterly( PAYEMS[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-03-01"]) [, 4] *
+ to. quarterly( UNDCONTSA[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-03-01"]) [, 4] *
+ GDPC96[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-01-01"]))
lm ( formula = to. quarterly( SP5[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-03-01"]) [, 4] ~
output + to. quarterly( PAYEMS[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-03-01"]) [,
4] * to. quarterly( UNDCONTSA[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-03-01"]) [,
4] * GDPC96[ "2001-04-01:: 2016-01-01"])
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-199.610 -67.542 0.544 67.969 183.207
Estimate Std. Error t valuePr (> |t|)
(Intercept) 3.433e+05 7.207e+04 4.763 1.62e-05 ***
output 4.571e+01 4.638e+01 0.986 0.329
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4] -2.676e+00 5.445e-01 -4.915 9.61e-06 ***
to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4] -3.143e+02 7.151e+01 -4.395 5.62e-05 ***
GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] -2.271e+01 4.763e+00 -4.769 1.59e-05 ***
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4] 2.474e-03 5.405e-04 4.576 3.06e-05 ***
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] 1.779e-04 3.592e-05 4.953 8.43e-06 ***
to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] 2.014e-02 4.743e-03 4.246 9.23e-05 ***
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] -1.591e-07 3.577e-08 -4.448 4.72e-05 ***
Signif . codes : 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Resid ual standard error: 96.74 on 51 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9338, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9234
F-statistic: 89.9 on 8 and 51 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
+ to
+ to
+ GDPC96
4] * to
4] * GDPC96
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-199.610 -67.542 0.544 67.969 183.207
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 3.433e+05 7.207e+04 4.763 1.62e-05 ***
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4] -2.676e+00 5.445e-01 -4.915 9.61e-06 ***
to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4] -3.143e+02 7.151e+01 -4.395 5.62e-05 ***
GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] -2.271e+01 4.763e+00 -4.769 1.59e-05 ***
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4] 2.474e-03 5.405e-04 4.576 3.06e-05 ***
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] 1.779e-04 3.592e-05 4.953 8.43e-06 ***
to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] 2.014e-02 4.743e-03 4.246 9.23e-05 ***
to.quarterly(PAYEMS["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:to.quarterly(UNDCONTSA["2001-04-01::2016-03-01"])[, 4]:GDPC96["2001-04-01::2016-01-01"] -1.591e-07 3.577e-08 -4.448 4.72e-05 ***
Multiple R-squared: 0.9338, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9234
F-statistic: 89.9 on 8 and 51 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
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