
Replace a specific column in the data structure.

Prepare updated data in "w". v_XCPG_1992_2016 only has data from 1992. Use "w["1992::"]"  to limit data just from 1992. Data were updated according to GDPnow 2016/5/28.

> tail(v_XCPG_1992_2016$GDP)
2015-11-01 16477.960
2015-12-01 16485.354
2016-01-01 16505.700
2016-02-01 16543.000
2016-03-01 16576.000
2016-04-01 16607.000
> tail(w)
2015-11-01 16482.07
2015-12-01 16493.57
2016-01-01 16505.07
2016-02-01 16540.61
2016-03-01 16580.61
2016-04-01 16620.61
> v_XCPG_1992_2016$GDP <- w["1992::"]
> tail(v_XCPG_1992_2016$GDP)
2015-11-01 16482.07
2015-12-01 16493.57
2016-01-01 16505.07
2016-02-01 16540.61
2016-03-01 16580.61
2016-04-01 16620.61

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